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Leadership and group training


Coaching leadership

Dare to grow and become the leader you dream and aspire to being. Building trust as a leader. Developing a sustainable authentic leadership.


Group development

Active listening and communication.

How to create trust and confidence in a group. Emotional intelligence - increased awareness and self-awareness.


Stress management

Learn strategies for reducing and managing your stress. Workshops with a mixture of theory and practice including elements inspired by mindfulness, yoga and meditation.

We live in a time when the world is changing at a rapid pace. We need tools to cope with changes and grow in step with them. We need humane organizations with individuals who make conscious choices, and wise decisions for the future.

I offer training and workshops in coaching leadership, group development and stress management. With the help of them, I want to inspire increased awareness, self-awareness, growth and faith in the future.


Do you wish to grow as a leader?
Do you desire and need a functioning team that thrives and achieves results?
Do you need strategies to manage a stressful work situation?

Together we will expand your expectations, both for you and for your team.

formation coaching leadership
formation goupe
gestion du stress
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