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Corinne - Reiki

Les soins reiki, apportent un soulagement du corps et de l’âme, ils permettent de lever les blocages énergétiques, merci…

 Corinne - Massage

Les Massages Sabqaydi sont le top en terme de relaxation profonde des muscles… un moment qui emmène hors du temps et remet les énergies (et le corps) en ordre de marche ! On en ressort comme neuf ! 

Nadette -Massage

Merci pour ce magnifique massage. nouveau pour moi. Quel talent...bonheur

Béa - Massage

Johanna est une belle personne, disponible, et toujours à l'écoute. Très doux, ses massages permettent de faire une pause agréable.

Je la recommande vivement.

Annie - Massage

Je vous recommande Johanna que je connais depuis plusieurs années maintenant pour son sérieux, son calme, les bienfaits de sa pratique, son contact humain. 

Emily - Reiki

Johanna is kind and wise and has a lovely manner that makes her an excellent healer.  She is also an excellent listener, and explains everything very well.  During treatments with Johanna I have experienced some extremely powerful shifts in energy, and enormous releases of negative energy, that have left me feeling revitalised and full of a sense of peace and well-being afterwards. I always leave Johanna's treatment room feeling lighter, happier and more importantly like I have learned something very important about both myself and the world.  I would wholeheartedly recommend Johanna to help you discover and more importantly 'let go' of negative habits and patterns, as she has done with me.

Nadja - Massage

A high quality treatment with good energies!
I felt truly relaxed in both mind, body and soul!

 Marika - Massage

När jag fick massage av Johanna kände jag mig fullständigt avslappnad, det var som att all stress försvann. Rekommenderar varmt det åt alla. 

Rachel - Reiki

Johanna is an incredibly gifted Reiki Master and energy healer. The combination of her intuitive sight, her ability to clear energy, and to give insight into the root cause of the block, is very powerful indeed. She has been instrumental in helping me move forward on my own healing journey. Merci Johanna.

Alison - Reiki

I have to recommend a lovely Reiki Master/healer I went for some healing this morning, in my village ,( Sallèles d'Aude), to a very lovely Finnish lady , Johanna Ohls Stoltz. She speaks very good English and French (and Swedish) .I came out from the healing feeling a much different person to the one who arrived .I can't sing her praises highly enough . She is lovely and the Reiki is wonderful .

Laura - Reiki

Johanna is a highly talented reiki healer. I have nbeen having reiki sessions on a regular basis and I have been impressed with her knowledge, compassion and hindsight. I also feel much better after my healing .  

I recommend Johanna most highly, if you are stressed, unhappy or just want to take time off for yurself. Johanna will help you. 


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